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Our Young Adult ministry is a vibrant and faith-filled group of young adults and young professionals who meet often each month to learn more about our Orthodox Faith, to serve Christ in a number of ways, and also to socialize together in order to build a Christ-centered community.


The Philoptochos, which means “Friends of the Poor” in Greek, is a charitable organization of Orthodox women who work together to serve Christ and their fellow human beings and wider society.  
The Philoptochos members promote the charitable, benevolent, and philanthropic purposes of the Greek Orthodox Church here in America and in the Somerville area, together with the Parish Priest and the Parish Council.



The Golden Club is an active group within our Dormition Church Family, always on the move, always planning events with a great many activities and day-trips planned.  The Golden Club enjoys their time together both in and out of Church.  We are dedicated to enhancing the lives of Christians 60 and over by ministering to their changing needs and equipping them for greater service to the Lord.


Putting the Lord’s commands into action by serving the community.  The Dormition Church nourishes those in need from around the Somerville area and beyond through the Dormition Table Ministry.  The Dormition Table is the fruit of many parishioners’ collective efforts to plan, organize, and start our own Dormition church soup kitchen.  The Dormition Table strives to provide and serve freshly cooked meals twice a month for the community (and we hope and pray that we can serve more often in the near future).
We owe many thanks to those faithful who contributed to the Dormition Table with their time, talent, and treasure over the years.  All of them, as well as those currently engaged in this important ministry, have tried to fulfill Christ’s great command: “For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink….” (Mat. 25:35). 



Empowering and growing the parish.  
The Lilly Foundation has provided the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston with a generous grant to support and grow its Thriving Congregations Initiative.  This multi-year program guides parishes to:


  • Understand their cultural and social contexts;

  • Develop and adopt a clear mission and vision; and

  • Cultivate authentic Orthodox Christian practices.


Through this program, our Dormition parish welcomes, embraces, and guides our members and neighbors to develop vibrant ministries that serve our community and that empower all to thrive in a fulfilling, God-centered life.

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